Courses Offered by Qi International
1:1 private sessions and half day / full day retreats are also available
Spring Season
Medical Qigong
Tai Chi Chuan Qigong
"Stand Alone Course"

Pangu Shengong Foundational QI
Moving Form
"Level 1"
Call: 855.474.4664
Overview of Benefits:
Excellent for individuals with health challenges they are looking to improve
Designed to increase energy
Enhances immunity
Enhances functioning of all the organ systems
Brings calm & peace
Has been used to assist with the resolution of many types of chronic conditions
Standing while doing the form is optimal, sitting or lying down is an option
This is a pre-requisite for all the other Pangu Shengong courses, this is the foundational course
Mondays, 5:45-7:45pm
Starting August 23
In person, small class, limited space
Internal Wisdom
324 S. Lexington Drive,
Folsom, CA
John Paul Gallagher, Ph.D.
$120 (new students)
$20 (if already taken this class from any PGSG instructor)
Free for repeats if currently enrolled in the Weekly PGSG Form Group Practice
Pre-requisite: None
Course Description:
The Pangu Shengong Foundational Qi Moving Form is a simple and powerful self-healing Qigong method that improves health & well-being by strengthening life force and immunity.
Its fundamental philosophy and practice is rooted in kindness & benevolence and is designed to absorb the beneficial energy of the universe.
It brings calmness, positive thinking, & happiness and has helped thousands of individuals recover from illnesses & maintain good health.

Practicing of The Pangu Shengong Foundational QI Moving Form
Weekly Group Practice Session
for LevelS 1&2
Call: 855.474.4664
Overview of Benefits:
Provides time for individuals to practice the Pangu Shengong Foundational Qi Moving Form in a group session
These practice sessions are designed to provide support to individuals as they begin to learn and practice the form
Opportunity for Q&A and sharing of experiences
Individuals typically comment on increased feeling of Qi when the form is practiced in a group
Learn and practice weekly Tai Chi Qigong
Receiving Qi healing session
Mondays, 6:00 - 7:00pm
In person, small class, limited space
Internal Wisdom
324 S. Lexington Drive,
Folsom, CA
John Paul Gallagher, Ph.D.
$20 Per class
Foundational Qi Moving Form
Course Description:
Provides support for individuals who recently learned the Pangu Shengong Foundational Qi Moving Form and/or provides an opportunity for experienced students to practice in a group setting. Many individuals comment on the increased feeling of Qi when they practice in a group session.
2 PGSG Foundational Qi Moving Forms, each ~20 min
Qi Circle: 5 minutes

Pangu Shengong
Cognitive & Sensory Perception Development
Non-Moving Form
"Level 2"
Call: 855.474.4664
Overview of Benefits:
Improves quality of sleep
Enhances mental functioning
Calming of nervous system
Enhances communication of central nervous system
Very meditative
Nourishes spirit
Provides foundational energy for intuition development
No physical movement
Can be performed lying down, sitting, or standing
Is a pre-requisite for the Pangu Shengong Intuition Development course
Monday, August 16, 6-7:30pm
In person, small class, limited space
Internal Wisdom
324 S. Lexington Drive,
Folsom, CA
John Paul Gallagher, Ph.D.
$120 (new students)
$20 (if already taken this class from any PGSG instructor)
Free for repeats if currently enrolled in the Weekly PGSG Form Group Practice
Been practicing Foundational Qi Moving Form for 30 days
Course Description:
The focus of the Pangu Shengong Cognitive & Perception Development
Non-Moving Form course is learning a technique that will cultivate Qi to enhance:
Sensory perception,
Central nervous system,
Meditation for professionals looking for a practice to bring focus, calmness, and clarity of thought for enhanced work performance
This form also has the wonderful benefit of improving sleep - both the ease of falling asleep and the quality of sleep.
When this form is practiced individuals may choose to either sit, lie down, or stand with their eyes closed.

Spring Season
Medical Qigong
Tai Chi Chuan Qigong
"Stand Alone Course"
Call: 855.474.4664
Overview of Benefis:
Discuss topics of interest related to medical qigong and the Spring Season
Class is divided between discussion of topics and practicing Qigong exercises to enhance physiological functioning of body
Discuss Classical & Traditional Chinese Methods and integration of these ancient practices with Functional Medicine
Discuss Acupuncture, Massage, Herbs, Nutrition, Cooking, and Qigong
Prerequisite: None
Course Description:
Qigong Exercises: 20 min
Qi Circle: 5 min
Discussion: 20 min
Traditional Chinese Medicine & Functional Medicine concepts to optimize health and well being during the
Spring Season
Meridians and points
Tongue diagnosis
Five Element Theory
Implications with
- Health & Well-being
- Liver / Gallbladder
Discuss pertinent Traditional Chinese
Home cooking recipes
Discuss Nutrition & Herbs

Tai Chi ChUan Qigong
9 Circles
"Stand Alone Course"
Call: 855.474.4664
Overview of Benefits:
Conditions joints: hips, knees, shoulders, and spine
Strengthens tendons & ligaments
Increases stability, coordination, flexibility
Conditions core, legs, and shoulders
Class involves moderate physical activity & movement
Excellent for individuals wanting to increase movement, flexibility, conditioning
Material individually tailored for:
Seniors & Other Individuals
wanting to increase movement (decrease stiffness, improve stability and coordination)
Athletes wanting to condition joints / ligaments / tendons to gain a competitive advantage
Prerequisite: None
Course Description:
Classical Qigong exercises are taught and practiced to increase qi circulation to increase energy levels; enhance flexibility, conditioning, feeling of calmness; and overall well-being.
Exercises are customized to meet the needs of each individual, such as:
Increased balance, posture, coordination, flexibility, and activity level for seniors
Anti-aging for all ages
Athletic edge for athletes in competitive sports
Complimentary practices to augment western medicine modalities to assist with the resolution of acute and chronic health conditions.
We are developing a new online class program to begin in 2021.
Online classes are being developed for Tai Chi Chuan Qigong, Return Tai Chi (Pangu Tai Chi), & Medical Qigong. Instructors: Various content matter experts.
Please sign-up, using the form below, to be added to our mailing list. As class schedules are developed, we will contact you with pertinent information to register for our online classes. Thanks!
In Person Classes offered at:
Internal Wisdom Wellness Center
Internal Wisdom Wellness Center's Front desk: 916.817.4407