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Medical Qigong typically refers to qigong activities that are designed to assist an individual resolve a health condition either through:


1) Their own daily practice of qigong forms to cultivate qi and/or circulate qi resolving qi deficiency and qi stagnation challenges, and/or


2) Receiving the assistance of a skilled medical qigong practitioner who spends a significant portion of his/her day cultivating his/her own qi and has developed the skills and abilities to assist individuals with the cultivation of their qi.



Qi (Life force energy) has different properties, some of which can be measured by western technology and some properties of qi may be sensed by individuals.  Some individuals are born with the ability to immediately sense qi, while others need to practice for a while before they are able to sense qi.  Some practitioners use the aid of an electrical voltmeter to locate points along the meridians in which Qi flow in the human body.


How long must one practice before they can sense qi?

Some individuals can sense qi in the first 5 minutes, others take a couple of hours or days, while fewer may take weeks, and in some rarer cases months. 


How does one sense qi? 

Qi is commonly felt through the skin as a warmth, tingling, numbness, and/or electrical pulse sensation.  Some individuals are able to see, hear, and/or smell qi.  Some individuals who are able to see qi describe it as an aura around the body, similar to the images depicted in stained glass windows that were built in churches during previous centuries and still able to be viewed today.




Master Ou provides a true gift to all his Pangu Shengong students, by providing the tools to enable them to cultivate qi and advance their abilities.  This is accomplished as a result of the efficiency and effectiveness of the Pangu Shengong System's philosophy and qigong forms.  But, knowing the forms is only the first part, developing the skills and abilities to assist others requires dedication and persistence which comes from long hours of diligent practice. 


Some thoughts to consider when selecting a practitioner:

How much time do they practice qigong / tai chi each week?  An analogy is learning to swim or learning to ride a bike.  Do you believe mastery of swimming or riding a bike is accomplished by reading books and discussing theories, or by spending time actually performing the desired activity over and over again? 


Another analogy - with any sport, their are high school level coaches, collegiate coaches, professional coaches, and Olympic level coaches. 


What are your personal goals and resources - time available to train and ability to travel? 

Choose a level of assistance that best meets your needs.


Have you exhausted all western medicine options and currently fighting for your life, willing to try an eastern art because nothing else has worked and don't know what else to do - then go to the best (Grand Master Ou) even though you will not be able to communicate directly with him in English (typically via email through his daughter).  He sees clients in his San Francisco office and provides remote client consultations that does not involve the use of a computer or telephone.  M. Ou was named Qigong Master of the Year in 2001 and 2006 by his peers at International Conferences.


​Master Paul Fraser is another excellent medical qigong practitioner with 30+ years of experience, he is one of Master Ou's senior instructors in the USA.  Paul was born and raised in Boston, MA.  When he is not writing a new book, Paul primarily does remote medical qigong consultations via phone, so that you are able to ask questions to better understand the medical qigong assessment and intervention process.​


If you desire to age gracefully; wish to improve your flexibility, strength, stability, and coordination; increase your energy levels; enhance the ability to become calm & peaceful; improve cognition, memory, and decision making; quality of sleep; address a nagging chronic health condition; and/or prefer to work with a practitioner in person, then listed below are two resources to aid in your quest to find a local qigong practitioner:​


Pangu Shengong International Research Institute Instructors: Listed by Country, City

Gin Soon Tai Chi Federation Member Organizations: Listed by Country, City


Prefer to locate an acupuncturist - Consider trying Classical Acupuncture with a practitioner skilled in meridian entry / exit blocks (i.e. a Worsley Five Element Acupuncture Practitioner).

Disclaimer: This website is intended to be an informational resource only.  There is no intent that this website be used for any diagnostic or treatment purposes.  A specific physician/patient or dentist/patient relationship is necessary before any medical or dental therapies are initiated.  In no manner should this website, or any of the information in this website, be used as a substitute for diagnosis and treatment by a qualified medical and/or dental healthcare professional.


QI International does not specifically endorse or agree with all statements and assertions made in the websites, books, and other resources for which links have been provided. They are provided only as generally interesting and useful resources.



©2021 by QI International Inc.

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